The Church

Bible Study Groups
Are you looking for opportunities to study the Bible with others in person? This directory, which is updated periodically, will point you toward Bible study groups in your area. Contact us if you have discovered Bible study groups that aren’t on our list.

New Testament ChurchChurch History
The only inspired church history exists within the pages of the Bible, but men have authored many related works over the past two millennia that supplement the story since the days of Jesus and His apostles. Secular histories also provide insight into the culture at large during Old and New Testament times. Whether you are curious about religion in the ancient world or more recent times, such as during the American Revolution or American Restoration Movement, use this page to start your research.

Churches of Christ
This collection of church websites (and a few Facebook pages) is designed to help people find congregations near them. If you are seeking the truth, relocating to a new area, or looking for a place to worship temporarily while on military duty, at college, on vacation or for some other reason, we hope this page can serve as a good starting point. You also might want to visit websites maintained by members of various churches of Christ.

Lord’s Supper
To help brethren appreciate the purpose of the Lord’s Supper, men typically give short talks about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the purpose of His sacrifice, the prophecies about his life and death, and the biblical accounts of the institution of the Lord’s Supper, among other themes. This page provides links to sample talks, related passages and articles about the Lord’s Supper to help prepare such talks.